Incorporation of an NPO
What is an NPO?
A non-profit organization (NPO) is a group of individuals with a moral objective and no intention of generating profits for distribution among its members. A not-for-profit organization may carry out non-profit activities in a variety of fields, including cultural, social, philanthropic, national, patriotic, religious, charitable, scientific, artistic, sporting, educational and similar areas.
For example, a non-profit organization may be a school, a professional association, a sports club, an activity club that works to improve local infrastructure, recreation or entertainment.
Unlike a corporation, whose shareholders receive dividends (the company’s profits), the members of a non-profit organization receive no financial benefit.
A non-profit organization may generate income through paid activities or contracts. However, all profits made within the organization must be reinvested in the non-profit organization.
Why incorporate an NPO?
Incorporation gives the NPO a legal status distinct from that of its members. This means that the NPO will be able to enter into contracts, buy land, borrow money and have bank accounts in its own name. A not-for-profit organization can be incorporated federally or provincially. In Quebec, a minimum of 3 founding directors is required. At the federal level, no minimum is required.
Incorporating an NPO in Quebec and Canada
Incorporate your NPO quickly and easily with Propulsio 360!
Want to incorporate your NPO? Contact us today!
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Types of NPO's

⚠️ To Note ⚠️
If your non-profit organization plans to receive charitable donations and issue donation receipts for income tax purposes, an additional step will be required to obtain a charitable registration number from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Obtaining a charitable registration number from the CRA is a lengthy process that requires a complete file. For example, you’ll need to provide a very precise description of the organization’s purposes and activities, as well as a projected budget.
Our NPO incorporation package:
- Registration of the non-profit organization with the government
- Certificate and articles of incorporation
- Name reservation, if chosen
- By-laws in digital format (founding resolutions, initial internal registers and by-laws)